
In the news section you will find information about PetrOmbudsman campaigns, the launch of the department in different Petrom locations and other useful information.

Happy Ombuds Day

What is Ombuds Day?

Thursday, 11 October 2018, the Ombuds Committee of the American Bar Association's (ABA), Dispute Resolution Section, celebrates a profession that has existed for centuries yet remains relatively unknown: the ombuds.

Ombuds Day is an opportunity to celebrate and show pride for our growing and evolving profession. It is a day designated to raising awareness of the ombuds profession, the different types of ombuds, the roles we play, and the services we provide.

How this date was chosen: the ABA has designated the second Thursday of October as Ombuds Day to coincide with “Conflict Resolution Month” and “Mediation Week”.

OMV Petrom has joined the International Ombudsman Association since 2014, when the PetrOmbudsman Department was established within our organization.
