
In the news section you will find information about PetrOmbudsman campaigns, the launch of the department in different Petrom locations and other useful information.

Preparing the discussions with the employees

PetrOmbudsman seeks continuous improvement of team abilities in communicating with the employees. In order to ensure a common approach of handled situations and transmitted messages in our discussions with the employees, we are preparing thoroughly to be at the highest level. Visits in the assets and exchange of ideas on workshops that we organize are tools used by the Ombudsman in this purpose. In line with the its principles of operation, PetrOmbudsman debated the subjects from the agenda, so that each member of the team has been heard and has contributed to improving our work processes. Here are some of the snapshots taken with this occasion.

Also, thank you for your involvement and for helping us to improve the organizational culture as a result of our discussions with you, with the formal structures and with the management.
