
In the news section you will find information about PetrOmbudsman campaigns, the launch of the department in different Petrom locations and other useful information.

Extending PetrOmbudsman’s services to dealers and their employees

After PetrOmbudsman caravan covered all production areas in the country, Petrobrazi Refinery, the Power plant and the headquarters located in Bucharest, it has embarked on a new road, represented by the expansion of our services to OMV Petrom dealers and their employees.

Thereby, in June c.y., a pilot project began, which provides the implementation of our services for a total of 128 filling stations.

The launching process began in the following cities: Bucharest (58 stations); Constanța (16 stations); Cluj-Napoca (12 stations); Craiova (11 stations); Oradea (10 stations); Buzău (9 stations); Ploiești (5 stations); Pitești (5 stations); Târgoviște (2 stations).

This is a challenge for our department and, at the same time, we believe that we will have very interesting experiences, which will ensure an adequate framework for cooperation.

Because the power of example is the strongest, PetrOmbudsman wants to exceed its limits and, by specific methods, to help visitors find solutions together, so as to serve the interests of all parties.

We are warmly welcoming you to a dialogue based on the four principles that govern the work of the PetrOmbudsman department: Confidentiality, Neutrality, Informality and Independence.
