
In the news section you will find information about PetrOmbudsman campaigns, the launch of the department in different Petrom locations and other useful information.

Last stop: 26th February, PetrOmbudsman at Petromar

In the last month of the winter season, PetrOmbudsman arrives in Constanta, Asset I, Petromar. After a long and rainy road studded with fog, the PetrOmbudsman caravan made its presence felt, warmed-up the activity, at the same time with the much awaited appearance of the sun. The questions that arised as a result of discussions with the employees, lead as to believe that the launch was expected with interest and curiosity. The experience accumulated from the launches gives us confidence for the future.

You can find below some brief information on our launch in Petromar and a few impressions from the people who visited us:

  • Total no. of employees in Asset X Petromar: 380 persons
  • People present at PetrOmbudsman stand and in the production sectors: 150 persons
  • Coverage: 39%
  • Distributed materials: 170 pieces

”Congratulations and success in the new activity of the department”

“This initiative will create value, and will help building trust in all levels within the organization. Thank you so much to the whole team.”
