
In the news section you will find information about PetrOmbudsman campaigns, the launch of the department in different Petrom locations and other useful information.

Spring in the middle of the winter: Suplac, 28th-29th of January

We have reached the Production Area I Crișana-Banat, area where the PetrOmbudsman department launched his activity. Here we benefit of such a warm and hospitality welcome and also of an exemplary organization and full support of the management. Tour of sectors covered areas located in Suplac and Marghita. We forgot for the moment that we are in the middle of the winter. The questions addressed made us happy and we realized that we will have a very good collaboration.

You can find below some brief information on our launch in Suplac and a few impressions from the people who visited us:

  • Total no. of employees in Asset I: 753 persons
  • People present at PetrOmbudsman stand and in the production sectors: 450 persons
  • Coverage: 60%
  • Distributed materials: 550 pieces

"Congratulations! It is a praised initiative. A start which gives us confidence that we can learn something every day. "

"Is for the first time in the last 10 years when the management come closer to people"

Next: Launch of PetrOmbudsman Department in Petromar X  Production Area.
