
In the news section you will find information about PetrOmbudsman campaigns, the launch of the department in different Petrom locations and other useful information.

The launch in Asset IV – Videle – 19-21 May 2014

PetrOmbudsman Department was greeted by the Asset employees with a high level of interest and many questions. Our team also offered information and promotional materials in the following sectors: Bălăria Sector 14, Videle Sector 13, Parcul 2 Videle, Parcul 3 Videle, Blejești Sector 11, Talpa Sector 12.

You can find below some brief information about our launch in Videle and also a few impressions from the people who visited us:

  • Total no. of employees in Asset IV: 900 persons
  • People present at PetrOmbudsman stand and in the production sectors: 580 persons
  • Coverage: 64%
  • Distributed materials: 900 pieces

“Any company-employee connection will only lead to progress.”

“I believe in the success of the new department and I wish you good luck in the future."

"Good luck and many achievements to the new department in the great Petrom family!”
